Friction | |
Investigation of the tribological performance of ionic liquids in non-conformal EHL contacts under electric field activation | |
Michal Michalec1  Petr Svoboda1  Ivan Krupka1  Martin Hartl1  Aleksandar Vencl2  | |
[1] Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology;Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade; | |
关键词: friction; thin film lubrication; electro-rheological fluid; smart fluid; lubrication; | |
DOI : 10.1007/s40544-019-0342-y | |
来源: DOAJ |
【 摘 要 】
Abstract Real-time external alteration of the internal properties of lubricants is highly desirable in all mechanical systems. However, fabricating a suitable and effective smart lubricant is a long-lasting experimental process. In this study, the film thickness and frictional response of ionic liquid-lubricated non-conformal contacts to an electric field excitation under elastohydrodynamic conditions were examined. Film thickness was evaluated using a “ball-on-disc” optical tribometer with an electric circuit. Friction tests were carried on a mini traction machine (MTM) tribometer with a “ball-on-disc” rotation module and an electric circuit for contact area excitation. The results demonstrate that there is a difference in the behaviour of the ionic liquid during electric field excitation at the evaluated film thicknesses. The results of evaluated film thicknesses demonstrate that there is a difference in the behaviour of the ionic liquid during electric field excitation. Therefore, the ionic liquids could be a new basis for the smart lubrication of mechanical components. Moreover, the proposed experimental approach can be used to identify electrosensitive fluids.
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