International Journal of Business & Economic Development
A sluggish U.S. economy is no surprise: Declining the rate of growth of profits and other indicators in the last three quarters of 2015 predicted a slowdown in the US economy in the coming months
Bob Namvar1 
[1] Dr. Robert Jabs School of Business California Baptist University, Riverside, CA, USA;
关键词: Recession;    US Economy;    Economic indicators;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Recession is a built-in feature of the market economy, it is unavoidable but controllable. Almost all of the recent recessions have had the same chain of causes from the demand and supply sides and profit has been the first leading indicator to signal a sluggish US economy. The recent economic slowdown began in the third quarter of 2015 but it did not start suddenly. It was a result of cumulating tensions built up in the expansion after the recession of 2007-2009.

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