Brazilian Political Science Review
Empirical Determinants of Government Efficiency: A Study Based on Objective Indicators
Francisca Guedes1 
[1] Universidade Católica Portuguesa;
关键词: Government quality;    public goods provision;    efficiency;    political determinants;    cultural determinants;    economic determinants;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

This paper is concerned with two things: finding an objective and easilyquantifiable measure of government efficiency and testing possible determinantsof government quality. As measures of government efficiency, we used ratios ofinfant mortality rate to health expenditures as a percentage of GDP, and ratios ofdrop out and illiteracy rates to education expenditures as a percentage of GDP.We assume that government efficiency in providing health and education servicesdepends on economic, political and cultural factors.

【 授权许可】


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