Медицинский совет
Functional disorders of the biliary tract. What a pediatrician needs to know
G. E. Zaidenvarg1  I. V. Berezhnaya2  M. I. Pykov2  E. P. Radchenko2  N. G. Sugyan2  I. N. Zakharova2  L. L. Stepurina3 
[1]Children’s City Outpatient Clinic No 133 of the Moscow Department of Health
[2]Russian Medical Academy of Continuing Postgraduate Education of the Ministry of Health of Russia
[3]Z.A.Bashlyaeva Children’s City Clinical Hospital З.А. of the Moscow Department of Healthcare
关键词: oddi’s sphincter;    gall bladder;    biliary tract dysfunction;    children;    abdominal syndrome;   
DOI  :  10.21518/2079-701X-2018-11-91-102
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
According to the frequency of contact with a doctor, abdominal pain in children is second only to respiratory diseases. Since the pain syndrome is a nonspecific manifestation of various pathologies, the doctor faces a serious diagnostic task, which is especially difficult in pediatric practice. One of the frequent causes of abdominal pain in children is a disruption of the function of the digestive tract, in particular, the dysfunction of the billiard tract. The article considers etiopathogenetic mechanisms of development of functional disorders of the biliary tract in children, classification in the light of the Rome IV consensus, modern low-invasive methods for diagnosing dysfunctions of the biliary tract. The ultrasound of the hepatobiliary zone was assessed. Questions are given for self-control.
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