Functional Superhydrophobic Surfaces with Spatially Programmable Adhesion
Duan-Yi Guo1  Cheng-Huan Li1  Wei-Chun Lo1  Chun-Ta Wang1  Tsung-Hsien Lin1  Li-Min Chang1  Wei-Chun Lin1  Hung-Chang Jau1 
[1] Department of Photonics, National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung 80424, Taiwan;
关键词: superhydrophobic surfaces;    lotus effect;    petal effect;    liquid crystal;    photopolymerizations;   
DOI  :  10.3390/polym12122968
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

A superhydrophobic surface that has controllable adhesion and is characterized by the lotus and petal effects is a powerful tool for the manipulation of liquid droplets. Such a surface has considerable potential in many domains, such as biomedicine, enhanced Raman scattering, and smart surfaces. There have been many attempts to fabricate superhydrophobic films; however, most of the fabricated films had uniform adhesion over their area. A patterned superhydrophobic surface with spatially controllable adhesion allows for increased functions in the context of droplet manipulation. In this study, we proposed a method based on liquid-crystal/polymer phase separation and local photopolymerization to realize a superhydrophobic surface with spatially varying adhesion. Materials and topographic structures were analyzed to understand their adhesion mechanisms. Two patterned surfaces with varying adhesion were fabricated from a superhydrophobic material to function as droplet guides and droplet collectors. Due to their easy fabrication and high functionality, superhydrophobic surfaces have high potential for being used in the fabrication of smart liquid-droplet-controlling surfaces for practical applications.

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