Iranian Journal of Information Processing & Management
Applying Clustering Methods in Drawing Maps of Science: Case Study of the Map For Urban Management Science
Mohammad Abuei Ardakan1  Hassan Abedi Jafari1  Fattah Aghazadeh2 
[2]Tehran University
关键词: information clustering;    scientometry;    science maps;    urban management sciene;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
The present paper offers a basic introduction to data clustering and demonstrates the application of clustering methods in drawing maps of science. All approaches towards classification and clustering of information are briefly discussed. Their application to the process of visualization of conceptual information and drawing of science maps are illustrated by reviewing similar researches in this field. By implementing aggregated hierarchical clustering algorithm, which is an algorithm based on complete-link method, the map for urban management science as an emerging, interdisciplinary scientific field is analyzed and reviewed.
【 授权许可】


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