Long-Term Changes in Cork Oak and Holm Oak Patches Connectivity. The Algarve, Portugal, a Mediterranean Landscape Case Study
Nuno de Santos Loureiro1  Maria Jacinta Fernandes1 
[1] Departamento de Ciências da Terra, do Mar e do Ambiente, FCT—Universidade do Algarve, 8005139 FARO, Portugal;
关键词: landscape connectivity;    structural connectivity;    regional landscape;    cork oak;    holm oak;    forest and agroforestry thematic maps;   
DOI  :  10.3390/environments8120131
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Structural connectivity can be inferred by several landscape metrics that appear to be relevant for characterizing how landscapes constrain or favor the presence and movement of animal species at the level of the regional landscape. Trends of change can be estimated trough spatial time-series analysis. The use of historical maps increases the time span of analysis of the landscape dynamic, relative to the use of remote sensing-related information. Supported by GIS, in this study, a framework for the analyses of the long-term trends of change in the connectivity of the Algarve regional landscape was used to seize the possibility of expanding the span of the spatial time series by integrating an unpublished agricultural and forest map from the turn of the 19th to the 20th century with another historical map and two recent maps. The total area covered by cork and holm oak-related community patches and their connectivity increased over the 20th century and stabilized in the 21st century. A reflection on Portuguese contemporary land-cover policies is urged, to face the sustainable planning and management challenges concerning biodiversity.

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