City, Territory and Architecture
Improving the energy performance of the typical multi-family buildings in Amman, Jordan
Jenan Abu Qadourah1  Christoph Nytsch‐Geusen2  Saad S. Alrwashdeh3  Ala’a M. Al-Falahat3 
[1] Department of Architecture Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Mutah University;Institute of Architecture and Urban Development, University of the Arts Berlin;Mechanical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Mutah University;
关键词: Energy performance;    Passive design strategies;    Residential buildings;    Energy simulation;    Multifamily building;   
DOI  :  10.1186/s40410-022-00151-8
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Abstract In this paper, the possibility of reducing the energy demand of the typical multi-family buildings in Amman, Jordan utilizing passive design strategies are investigated through a parametric simulation study. Firstly, the energy demand of the multi-family buildings under the typical practice is evaluated, after that several design strategies are proposed such as wall and roof insulation, shading device, ventilation, etc. The effect of each strategy on the multi-family buildings’ energy demands is assessed alone and then in combination with the other strategies, to find the optimum solution to reduce the energy demand. This is beneficial for architects, engineers, and decisions makers involved in the design of energy-efficient multifamily buildings. The result proves that it’s possible to reduce the annual energy demand by 53, 71, and 78% of the cooling, heating, and lighting, respectively, by introducing passive design strategies. Around 45% savings of the heating demand are achieved due to adding wall insulation. Regarding the cooling demand about 17%, and 14% are saved due to applying a ventilated blind shading device and using a nighttime ventilation strategy.

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