Consumer Behavior Review
"What drives one to buy on impulse?" A qualitative study with a Portuguese sample
Sibele Dias Aquino1  Maria Marques2  Samuel Lins2 
[1] Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro -Brasil;Universidade do Porto - Portugal;
关键词: impulse buying;    consumer behaviour;    buying intention;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The present study aimed to identify the main factors that lead people to buy impulsively. 925 Portuguese participated, with an average age of 27.02 years (SD = 10.73), who answered a questionnaire online. Participants were asked to answer the question "What makes you buy on impulse?" The data were analysed through content analysis, and the responses were grouped into seven categories: (1) Internal factors, (2) Monetary value, (3) Product characteristics, (4) Situational factors, (5) Type of products, (6) Early involvement, and (7) Social value. Internal factors and Monetary value were highlighted as the main factors that lead to impulse buying. The results showed consistency with previous studies.

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