Applied Sciences
A Geospatial Approach to Energy Planning in Aid of Just Energy Transition in Small Island Communities in the Philippines
Khrisydel Rhea M. Supapo1  Edward M. Querikiol1  Ian Dominic F. Tabañag1  Lorafe Lozano1 
[1]Engineering Graduate Program, School of Engineering, University of San Carlos, Cebu City 6000, Philippines
关键词: energy access;    load forecasting;    renewable energy;    resource mapping;    GIS;    multicriteria decision analysis;   
DOI  :  10.3390/app112411955
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Providing electricity in off-grid island communities is a big challenge, exacerbated by the high cost of transporting fossil fuels and the non-viability of extending grid connections. Installing renewable energy systems in these areas is deemed a practical solution, especially supporting just energy transitions in these communities. However, the lack of information about resource availability and the most suitable locations hinders effective planning. This paper aims to determine the sufficiency of available renewable energy sources to meet the electricity demand of off-grid island communities. It is achieved through a three-phased approach: (1) an assessment stage; (2) geospatial analysis; and (3) technical potential estimation. The approach is applied in three island communities in Palawan, namely Araceli, Balabac, and Cuyo, where a diesel power plant currently provides electricity to its households and commercial/institutional establishments. The results indicate that the three islands can be powered by 3, 1.5, and 11 MW solar photovoltaic farms, respectively, which is sufficient to meet the projected demand until 2030. The approach can be helpful, especially for off-grid island communities, as they plan to provide universal electricity access using renewable energy sources.
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