Current Issues in Pharmacy and Medical Sciences
Marginal bone behavior around the dental implants with regard to the patient’s characteristics
Szymanska Jolanta1  Szpak Piotr2 
[1] Chair and Department of Pedodontics, Medical University of Lublin, Poland;Individual Dental Practice “Dentistry Implantology Piotr Szpak”, Bialystok, Poland;
关键词: dental implants;    marginal bone loss;    gender;    age;    smoking;   
DOI  :  10.1515/cipms-2017-0008
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

We analyzed the relationship between marginal bone loss around dental implants and selected personal characteristics of patients (gender, age and cigarette smoking) undergoing dental rehabilitation because of missing teeth. The study comprised 28 patients aged 37-66 years (11 men and 17 women) who had 240 implants inserted. The assessment of marginal bone loss in the examined patient cohort was made based on ortho-pantomographic X-ray images. For evaluation of the condition of the marginal bone around the implants during 46-month follow-up, with relation to the sociodemographic features of the patient, multi-generational linear models were used. Studies show that the loss of marginal bone around the implant increased with the age of the patient, but did not correlate significantly with the patient’s gender or smoking habit.

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