Advances in Aerodynamics
High fidelity numerical simulations on the unsteady flow field of low-pressure turbine cascades with and without upstream disturbance at moderate Reynolds number
Feng Wu1  Chunxiao Zhang2  Hui Xu3  Xiyuan Pang4  Yan Bao4  Hongbo Zhu4 
[1] AECC Sichuan Gas Turbine Establishment;Inner Mongolia Road and Bridge Group Co., Ltd;School of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University;School of Naval Architecture, Ocean and Civil Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University;
关键词: Fourier-spectral/hp element method;    Low pressure turbine;    Wake generated disturbance;    Aerodynamic characteristics;   
DOI  :  10.1186/s42774-022-00103-3
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Abstract This paper numerically investigates the aerodynamic performance of the T106A low-pressure turbine based with different inflow conditions at moderate Reynolds number by using high performance computing based on high order unstructured methods. Two different inflow conditions respectively of uniform and disturbed are considered, while for the latter a small circular cylinder is placed upstream of the cascade to generate wake turbulence as a long-standing disturbance. A high order Fourier-spectral/hp element method is employed to solve the flow dynamics in the cascade of high complex geometries. Flow transition characteristics are quantified in terms of the distribution of cascade wall surface pressure and friction coefficient, the distribution of wake profile pressure loss and the evolution characteristics of boundary layer flow structures as well. The numerical results show that the current numerical simulations accurately predict the flow transition performance of low-pressure turbine cascades and capture the effects of wake-generated disturbance on the cascade, which is shown to effectively modify the flow transition performance as compared with the uniform inflow case.

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