Journal of Dental and Allied Sciences
Management of maxillary posterior inadequate ridge height for prosthetic rehabilitation
关键词: Implants;    maxillary sinus;    maxillary sinus floor augmentation;    piezosurgery;   
DOI  :  10.4103/jdas.jdas_2_18
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
The rehabilitation of patients affected by posterior maxillary atrophy by the aid of implant-supported fixed prosthesis presents a challenge in many cases. The available residual alveolar ridge is insufficient for the placement of dental implants because of alveolar bone resorption, pneumatization of the maxillary sinus, or their combination. Maxillary sinus floor augmentation is the treatment of choice in such cases. Sinus lift procedure can be carried with or without simultaneous implant placement. Recently, various newer techniques have been introduced for sinus floor elevation such as antral membrane balloon elevation, water lift technique, and piezosurgery. Furthermore, short implants and zygomatic implants can also be done in severe posterior atrophied maxilla.
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