Journal of Medical Physics
Clinical validation of software for a versatile variability analyzer: Assessment of autonomic function
关键词: Blood pressure variability;    medical analyzer;    physiological variability;    heart rate variability;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Study of physiological variability is an upcoming area of research having manifold clinical applications. Considerable work has been done on heart rate variability and blood pressure variability during the past four decades. Electronics division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, has developed an instrument called medical analyzer, which can be used to study several variabilities simultaneously. This instrument has been used to collect data from control subjects and patients with established diagnosis. The data has been analyzed with the help of a software package developed for this purpose and has been found to be consistent with expected manifestations of the disease on the autonomic nervous system. The description of the software package and results of the study are briefly described in this paper.
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