Open Ceramics
Influence of powder state and rheology on sintering behaviour of SiC
Florence Moitrier1  Judith Boehmler2  Julie Rossit3  Sébastien Lemonnier3  Fabian Delorme3  Thierry Bourré3 
[1] French-German Research Institute of Saint-Louis, 5 Rue Du Général Cassagnou, BP 70034, 68301, Saint-Louis, CEDEX, France;Corresponding author.;French-German Research Institute of Saint-Louis, 5 Rue Du Général Cassagnou, BP 70034, 68301, Saint-Louis, CEDEX, France;
关键词: Spark plasma sintering;    Densification behaviour;    SiC;    Powder rheology;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The influence of conditioning state of a nano-SiC powder on its spark plasma sintering behaviour and microstructural properties is discussed. The powders were firstly deeply characterized by means of SEM, X-ray diffraction, specific surface area measurements and rheological behaviour determination. We found that even if the initial particles are the same, the conditioning state plays a crucial role on the development of the ceramic. Granulated SiC powder exhibits the highest ability of rearrangement and compaction leading to a better green density. This specificity allows the development of the densest ceramic with the lowest grain size. Moreover, this ceramic showed no evidence of phase transition during sintering, with a pure cubic SiC phase. We conclude that the powder state and the storage conditions of the ceramic powder has an impact on the overall powder process and finally influences not only the final density and grain size but also the phase composition.

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