Electronic Journal of Differential Equations
Existence of positive solutions to three-point phi-Laplacian BVPs via homotopic deformations
关键词: phi-Laplacian BVP;    positive solution;    fixed point;    index theory;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Under suitable conditions and via homotopic deformation, we provideexistence results for a positive solution to the three-point$phi$-Laplacian boundary-value problem$$displaylines{-( aphi(u'))'(x)=b(x) f(x,u(x)),quad xin ( 0,1), cru(0)=alpha u(eta),quad u'(1)=0,}$$where $phi:mathbb{R}omathbb{R}$ is an increasing homeomorphismwith $phi(0) =0$, $b$ does not vanish identically,and $f$ is continuous.

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