Studia Humanitatis
Time and event in the youth’s family memory narratives
Linchenko Andrei Aleksandrovich1 
[1] Lipetsk Branch of Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (Lipetsk, Russia);
关键词: family memory;    youth;    historical consciousness;    family time;    historical event;    biographical method;    narrative interview;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

This article comprehended the features of representing the family time, chronology and periodization in the youth’s narratives. The author revealed the main types of family history events, analysed methods of constructing time and events in the context of the cultural practices of everyday life recognized as traditions of labour, life, and leisure. Positive and negative curves of biographical stories were identified based on the biographical method of Fritz Schütze. These curves were compared with the “family scenarios” represented in the narratives of young people. Within the youth, family time in most cases dominated the historical events of the region and the country, and the predominant tendency was the desire for “generational periodization”. The features of comprehension and argumentation in the youth’s view of family history events were analysed. The existing classifications of types of family stories were supplemented, which among young people can be associated with strong, weak continuity, and also aimed at denying family historical experience. In the context of the interpretation of the mythological R. Bartes and A.F. Losev the images of the sacred and profane in the narratives of family memory were classified.

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