Ain Shams Engineering Journal
Assessment of Coastal Revetment: Case study of Rosetta Revetment
Tarek I. Abedio1  Khaled A. Kheireldin2  Mohammed R. Soliman3  Ibrahim M. Abd-Elmonem4 
[1] Alexandria University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Structural Engineering, Alexandria, Egypt;Corresponding author.;Alexandria University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Structural Engineering, Alexandria, Egypt;Coastal Research Institute, National Water Research Center, Alexandria, Egypt;
关键词: Maintenance;    Deterioration;    Monitoring;    Failure;    Rosetta Revetment;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Coastal structures have been affected after the climate changes that lead to sea-level rise so their functional efficiency has been reduced because of increasing deterioration and failure rates. Efforts and studies must be directed to solve this problem to adapt to the surrounding environmental phenomena. Hence, monitoring of the coastal structure must be executed frequently. This study assesses the deterioration and failure of Rosetta Revetment and gives proposed solutions to solve this problem. Laboratory tests and monitoring programs have been executed during the period from 2011 to 2020 to investigate the deterioration and collapse rates. The results have shown that the deterioration rate within the Revetment armour layer increases dramatically within the last seven years and the fracture rate of units exceeded 10% of the total units. This study can be used for serving the future assessments of Rosetta Revetment. Removing the visible part of the steel hook, treating the units that had a leg fracture, and replacing the fracture units with another one or adding extra units within the revetment armour layer are some recommendations to develop the efficiency of the Revetment.

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