Journal of Architecture, Art & Humanistic Science
Typography is a major component of advertising design and its relationship to the cultural diversity of consumers
Sara Gaber1 
[1]Higher Institute of Applied Arts - 6 October City
关键词: typography;    culture;    consumer behavior;    advertising;   
DOI  :  10.21608/mjaf.2020.22046.1466
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
The treatment of lines and writings in a sophisticated concept comes to the consumer’s awareness of the linguistic writings in many ways. It is a text that reads but at the same time formal symmetries or visual elements that reflect from their treatment of meanings. The optimal use of written lines is to take advantage of the formative properties of letters in confirming meanings. There is no doubt that the topography is an essential formal element in the design of advertising that works to attract attention because of its formative aesthetics that make advertising full of vitality and movement, there is no doubt that unconventional patterns have the ability to achieve more than they achieve in their regular patterns, because typography is characterized by many aesthetics and visual effects If they are used for reading or for artistic purposes only, or for focusing on the idea of advertising, which is one of the most important elements that, if used in designing an advertisement, to achieve ad communication.The importance of dealing with the cultural difference in planning advertising campaigns is clear, as the topography as a champion in advertising design creates and creates advertising ideas that attract the attention of consumers, including indirect meanings, as it moves away from the familiar that raises boredom to the recipient and is characterized by novelty and strange in accordance with experiences and perceptions The consumer in this era to keep his attention as long as possible and raises his desire for knowledge and then activates his memory until the interactive communication process reaches a positive direction.There are many classifications of trends in the use of modern typography such as an effective typography that dramatically affects the consumer, kinetic typography that works to achieve the element of movement in the advertisement, and it attracts the attention of the consumer’s eye for the advertisement, and the three-dimensional typography that works to attract the consumer’s attention to the advertising message, and these modern directions achieve value Aesthetic for advertising with the communicative function; it holds innovative ideas for designing the typography as a key element in advertising design.
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