Applying United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, Mt. Cuba Center Gardens with Native Plants and Grows Conservators
Caroline R. Fazzini1  Laura K. Reilly1  Jeffrey A. Downing1  Sam Hoadley1  Élan R. Alford1  Ellen C. Lake1  Amy Highland1 
[1]Mt. Cuba Center, 3120 Barley Mill Road, Hockessin, DE 19707, USA
关键词: botanical garden;    native plants;    UN Sustainable Development Goals;    interpretation;    horticultural research;    community science;   
DOI  :  10.3390/su14106074
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Mt. Cuba Center is a botanical garden created with a conservation purpose: to work with native plants and inspire people to become conservators of native habitats. Adherence to this founding mission aligns Mt. Cuba’s activities with 4 of the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. This article shares aspects of the center’s founding, interpretative plan and content, horticultural research, and conservation programs. We hope that it will inspire the development and implementation of more botanical garden conservation programs that catalyze members, guests, and community partners to participate in and amplify conservation efforts through collective actions. By highlighting the region and its beautiful native flora, Mt. Cuba teaches conservation of native habitats and how to incorporate native plants into home gardens. The garden’s conservation messages are brought to life through interpretive plans, horticultural research, and public engagement. The garden itself acts as a tool to promote conservation by influencing guest attitudes and experiences. The renewal of Mt. Cuba from a fallow cornfield to a thriving ecosystem illustrates that individuals can make a difference. By telling its story and demonstrating accessible conservation actions through its work with native plants, Mt. Cuba aims to transform garden guests into conservators.
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