Mediaciones Sociales
Participación ciudadana y mediación social. Una reflexión desde la práctica del asesoramiento social
关键词: Ciudadanía;    Participación;    Competencia comunicativa;    Pedagogía;    Asesoramiento;    Comunicación;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Citizen participation has been part of the democratic system in the government of cities for decades. It attempts to fill the existing democratic disaffection. This democratic practice requires a budget and a series of conditions such as political will, strategies of participation, structures that accept them, a combination of different skills and knowledge, politicians, experts, technicians and citizens. To bring all this knowledge together it is necessary to develop a participation pedagogy that includes consulting and social mediation. In order to do so, professional communicative competence, the ability to listen and the capacity to exert a positive influence on the communication of the participants are required.

【 授权许可】


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