Yönetim ve Ekonomi
Müşteri Bağlılığı Yaratmada Fiyat Politikasının Önemi ve Uygulanan Fiyatlandırma Yöntemlerinin Değerlendirilmesi(The Importance of Price Policy In Supplying Customer Retention And Evaluation of Applied Pricing Instruments)
关键词: Müşteri Bağlılığı;    Fiyat Politikası;    İlişkisel Fiyatlandırma;    Customer Retention;    Price Politics;    Relationship Pricing;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
The most frequently cited direct instruments to improve customer retention- such as Value-added services, complaint managementand customer clubs or cards- often neglect the importence of pricing options. In This Paper describes various pricing instruments which can be employed to increase customer retention. These include quantity-related pricing, time-based and loyalty-related pricing, group pricing, multi personel pricing, contracts and guarentees. The tools and recommendations for their use are illustrated with practical examples. The implementation of the described instruments requires appropriate systems to gather and process information and monitor the effectiveness of to introduced measures. These aspects are discussed at the end.
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