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Changes in the smoltification age of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) of the Yokanga, Kharlovka and Vostochnaya Litsa Rivers (the Murmansk Region)
Dolotov S. I.1  Kuzmin D. O.1 
[1] Polar Branch of All-Russian Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography ("PINRO" named after N. M. Knipovich);
关键词: atlantic salmon;    adults;    smolts;    parr;    smoltification age;    duration of feeding in rivers;    атлантический лосось;    производители;    смолты;    пестрятки;    возраст смолтификации;    длительность речного нагула;   
DOI  :  10.21443/1560-9278-2022-25-2-101-109
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Throughout the world, in recent decades, there has been a decrease in the abundance of Atlantic salmon, the main reason for which is a decrease in its survival rate during life at sea. Its value has a direct dependence on the length and, accordingly, the age of the smolts. Foreign researchers have found that the nature of long-term changes in the age structure of smolts can vary significantly by region. At the same time, the age of Atlantic salmon in Russian rivers, which account for a significant part of the area of the range of this species, was not considered. In this regard, the analysis of long-term data characterizing the age composition of salmon smolts of some rivers of the Murmansk region has been carried out. It has found been that in the first years of the period 2000–2018, the age structure of Atlantic salmon smolts was transformed in the rivers Yokanga, Kharlovka and Vostochnaya Litsa. As a result, fish at the age of 6 ceased to occur among them, the abundance of fish at the age of 5+ significantly decreased and the abundance of fish in the age groups of 3+ or 4+ significantly increased. The most likely reason for this is the change in the temperature regime of rivers since the mid-1990s, as a result of which the life time in the rivers of juvenile salmon has been reduced. Rejuvenation of the smolt population may have ambiguous consequences for the abundance of adult salmon, which are determined by the cumulative effect of reducing natural mortality at the stage from eggs to smolts, increasing their abundance and reducing their length, and reducing the survival rate during salmon life in the sea.

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