IEEE Access
RobustTrust – A Pro-Privacy Robust Distributed Trust Management Mechanism for Internet of Things
Ahmad Almogren1  Mohsen Guizani2  Kamran Ahmad Awan3  Sultan Ullah Jadoon3  Ikram Ud Din3  Ayman Altameem4 
[1]College of Computer and Information Sciences, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
[2]Computer Science and Engineering Department, Qatar University, Doha, Qatar
[3]Department of Information Technology, The University of Haripur, Haripur, Pakistan
[4]Department of Natural and Engineering Sciences, College of Applied Studies and Community Services, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
关键词: Direct observation;    IoT;    robust trust;    trust management;    trust evaluation;   
DOI  :  10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2916340
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
In the promising time of the Internet, connected things have the ability to communicate and share information. The Internet of Things (IoT) cannot be implemented unless the security-related concerns have been resolved. Sharing information among different devices can compromise the private information of users. Thus, a suitable mechanism is needed to exclude the risk of malicious and compromised nodes. As follows, trust has been proposed in the literature as a useful technology to maintain users' security. Prior studies have proposed diverse trust management mechanisms to achieve adequate trust. The approach of cross-domain trust management is neglected that requires enormous considerations to address the difficulties related to cross-domain communication. In this paper, a cross-domain robust distributed trust management (RobustTrust) system is proposed, which makes a device fit for assessing trust towards different devices locally. In this system, the trust is divided into three components of security that help IoT nodes to become robust against compromised and malicious devices/nodes. The novelty of the proposed mechanism can be summarized in these aspects: A highly scalable trust mechanism, multiple components of evaluation to enhance robustness against attacks, and use of recommendations along with the feedback to build knowledge. Furthermore, the proposed mechanism is event-driven that helps nodes to evaluate trust more effectively as well as enhance the system efficiency. The proposed work is compared with the available trust evaluation schemes by concentrating on various attributes, such as trustworthiness, usability, and accuracy among others. The RobustTrust is validated by the extensive simulations considering absolute trust value's performance, the accuracy of trust estimation, and several potential attacks.
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