Nuclear Materials and Energy
Development of a welding process to overlay FeCrAl alloy on a thin wall austenitic stainless steel tube
Disi Wang1  Guangqing He2  Jesper Ejenstam3  Bin Xi4  Peter Szakálos4  Youpeng Zhang4  Sheng Yang4  Bo Liu4  Janne Wallenius5  Wenyang Zhang6 
[1] Corresponding author.;Division of Nuclear Engineering, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden;Division of Surface Chemistry and Corrosion Science, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden;Institute of Modern Physics, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China;Sandvik Heating Technology AB, Kanthal, Hallstahammar, Sweden;Shanghai Electric Group, Shanghai, China;
关键词: Laser pulse welding;    FeCrAl weld overlay;    Thin wall tube;    CiADS pin cladding;    Mechanical tests;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

In this paper, we investigated the possibility of applying the low power pulse laser welding technology to surface a protective layer against heavy liquid metal corrosion in fuel cladding tube made of austenitic 316L stainless steel. Based on results from flaring, flattening, bending tests and metallographic microscope investigations, we can preliminarily confirm the possibility of using low power pulse laser with specific power input to weld Fe-10Cr-4Al-RE alloy on the outer surface of a 316L stainless steel tube with the inner diameter of 11.8 mm and wall thickness of 0.65 mm.

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