Vojnotehnički Glasnik
Review of the book „Aircraft aerodynamics“ by Leonid Ivanovich Gretchihin, A. A. Lapcevich and N G. Kuch (Леонид Иванович Гречихин, А. А. Лапцевич и Н. Г. Куць)
Nebojša Nikola Gaćeša1 
[1] Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Serbia;
关键词: heat pump;    oval wing;    Aircraft;    Aerodynamics;   
DOI  :  10.5937/vojtehg61-3569
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

By applying the achievements of modern physics in the field of the interaction of moving bodies with the stationary atmosphere, this book combines the continuous theory of D’Alembert-Euler with Newton’s corpuscular theory into a theory leading to a correct definition of aircraft movement as well as to a conclusion that the aircraft movement in the Earth atmosphere follows the heat pump operating principle. The authors, therefore, have got the possibility to foresee future aircraft with oval wings which will apply the heat pump principle in their energy systems.

【 授权许可】


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