Archiwum Kryminologii
Przestępstwa stwierdzone w latach 1970-1974 oraz osoby podejrzane o ich dokonanie
关键词: przestępczość;    materiały statystyczne;    statystyki policyjne;    crime;    statistic materials;    police statistics;   
DOI  :  10.7420/AK1976D
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The publication compiles data from police records on the offences cleared up in Poland in 1970—1974 and the persons suspected of them. In view of the legislation changes that have taken place in Poland in the meantime, a comparison of the data presented now with those of 1965— 1969 and published in volume five of the Archives of Criminology is very difficult. In Poland since 1970 a new Penal Code has been in force and since 1972 a Contravention Code. On the basis of the latter some petty offences (to which a theft of a property worth less than 500 zlotys was included) were recognized as petty misdemeanours.

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