Environment Conservation Journal
Management of Rural Development Programming and its Environmental Effects: A Case Study of farms of Masal County
Guiti MoradiEstalkhzir1 
[1] Department of Geographic ,University of Guilan, Iran;
关键词: Rural Development;    Management;    Programming;    Environment;   
DOI  :  10.36953/ECJ.2015.SE1626
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Village and ruralism has a high place and importance in Iran. No attention to the rural spaces, carelessness about rural environments, no attention toward production abilities and possibilities of rural areas, are among essential problems in access to the rural development, and by execution of exact programming we can prevent harmful effects resulting from damaging of natural environment of villages and help to make the environment clean. The region studied in this research is Masal County, one of the counties in Guilan Province which has three areas of plain, mountainside and mountainous from natural point of view, and in this research, we have used feature coefficient technique for determination of applications based on type of services and determined feature coefficient technique so that amount of development of rural districts of this county would be determined on the basis of type of services and quantities of them. Results out of this research show that rural districts of this county depends on rate of population, natural environmental conditions, placement in natural potential accessibilities and possibilities centers; and in this environment renewing process intends to change environment of the villages that we should help to keep and even improvement of it by an essential programming. Generally, programming in direction to development without damage to rural texture and space and keeping natural view of village, need a comprehensive and principal management, that this involves a special attention to regional and local programming so that priorities existing in each region would be specified exactly. Recognition and analysis of programming features of the state rural development, and investigation and analysis of obstacles and difficulties in development from programming point of view, can make the path smooth for comprehensive development of the villages. In this paper, we have tried to notice on issues such as attention to low-level rural centers, consequences of concentration in programming for rural districts and making the rural environment healthy, by execution of principal and collected program, and discuss it.

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