Obrana a Strategie
Bezpečnostní spolupráce uvnitř SADC
关键词: Southern African Development Community;    security community;    human security;    Southern Africa;    Front-Line States;    regional integration;    Republic of South Africa.;   
DOI  :  10.3849/1802-7199.13.2013.01.059-070
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
This text aims to analyze security cooperation in the Southern African Development Community. The article is based on two theoretical approaches, the first one is a concept of security community, the second one is a human security. Both theories have become widely accepted in the early 1990s because of their ability to cover wider international changes. The Southern African Development Community is seen as a regional integration plan which aspires to become a security community in Karl Deutsch’s sense. Beside the both mentioned theories, the text deals with the history of security cooperation in the south of Africa and its changes. The main discussed question is wheher the SADC could be understood as a newly emerging security community.
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