Journal of Clinical Medicine
Stem Cells on Biomaterials for Synthetic Grafts to Promote Vascular Healing
Patrick Babczyk1  Margit Schulze1  Edda Tobiasch1  Kathrin Harre2  Jens Klose2  Clelia Conzendorf2 
[1] Department of Natural Science, Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Science,Von-Liebig-Street 20, Rheinbach 53359, Germany;Faculty of Mechanical Engineering/Process Engineering, University of Applied Science Dresden, Friedrich-List-Platz 1, Dresden 01069, Germany;
关键词: stem cell;    blood vessel;    endothelial cell;    smooth muscle cell;    biomaterial;    biopolymer;    collagen;    scaffold;    surface modification;    cross-linking;   
DOI  :  10.3390/jcm3010039
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

This review is divided into two interconnected parts, namely a biological and a chemical one. The focus of the first part is on the biological background for constructing tissue-engineered vascular grafts to promote vascular healing. Various cell types, such as embryonic, mesenchymal and induced pluripotent stem cells, progenitor cells and endothelial- and smooth muscle cells will be discussed with respect to their specific markers. The in vitro and in vivo models and their potential to treat vascular diseases are also introduced. The chemical part focuses on strategies using either artificial or natural polymers for scaffold fabrication, including decellularized cardiovascular tissue. An overview will be given on scaffold fabrication including conventional methods and nanotechnologies. Special attention is given to 3D network formation via different chemical and physical cross-linking methods. In particular, electron beam treatment is introduced as a method to combine 3D network formation and surface modification. The review includes recently published scientific data and patents which have been registered within the last decade.

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