BMC Health Services Research
Reliability of length measurements collected by community nurses and health volunteers in rural growth monitoring and promotion services
Matilda E. Laar1  Anna Lartey2  Grace S. Marquis3  Katherine Gray-Donald3 
[1] Department of Family and Consumer Sciences, University of Ghana;Department of Nutrition and Food Science, University of Ghana;School of Dietetics and Human Nutrition, McGill University;
关键词: Length;    Growth monitoring and promotion;    Measurement reliability;    Community health nurse;    Community health volunteer;   
DOI  :  10.1186/s12913-018-2909-0
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Abstract Background Length measurements are important in growth, monitoring and promotion (GMP) for the surveillance of a child’s weight-for-length and length-for-age. These two indices provide an indication of a child’s risk of becoming wasted or stunted, and are more informative about a child’s growth than the widely used weight-for-age index (underweight). Although the introduction of length measurements in GMP is recommended by the World Health Organization, concerns about the reliability of length measurements collected in rural outreach settings have been expressed by stakeholders. Our aim was to describe the reliability and challenges associated with community health personnel measuring length for rural outreach GMP activities. Methods Two reliability studies (A and B), using 10 children less than 24 months each, were conducted in the GMP services of a rural district in Ghana. Fifteen nurses and 15 health volunteers (HV) with no prior experience in length measurements were trained. Intra- and inter-observer technical error of measurement (TEM), average bias from expert anthropometrist, and coefficient of reliability (R) of length measurements were assessed and compared across sessions. Observations and interviews were used to understand the ability and experiences of health personnel with measuring length at outreach GMP. Results Inter-observer TEM was larger than intra-observer TEM for both nurses and HV at both sessions and was unacceptably (compared to error standards) high in both groups at both time points. Average biases from expert’s measurements were within acceptable limits, however, both groups tended to underestimate length measurements. The R for lengths collected by nurses (92.3%) was higher at session B compared to that of HV (87.5%). Length measurements taken by nurses and HV, and those taken by an experienced anthropometrist at GMP sessions were of moderate agreement (kappa = 0.53, p < 0.0001). Conclusions The reliability of length measurements improved after two refresher trainings for nurses but not for HV. In addition, length measurements taken during GMP sessions may be susceptible to errors due to overburdened health personnel and crowded GMP clinics. There is need for both pre- and in-service training of nurses and HV on length measurements and procedures to improve reliability of length measurements.

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