Predicting youth apathy and exclusion: Macedonian high-school students and their relations to their communities
关键词: social integration;    civic engagement;    volunteerism;    high-school students;    parental support;    educational system;    religion;    attitudes;    Republic of Macedonia;   
DOI  :  10.2298/SOC1202333K
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

In order to understand the youth’s growing apathy and cynicism towardssociety, this paper examines the relationships between civic engagement,volunteerism, parental support, peer support, the support of the educationalsystem, extra-curricular activities, religious affiliation, as well asattitudes among high-school students in the Republic of Macedonia. Arepresentative sample of 3607 high-school students in thirteen towns acrossthe country indicates that the support from the educational system,involvement in extra-curricular activities and trust in institutions, societyand oneself are the strongest predictors of civic engagement andvolunteerism. Parental support (whether respondents engaged in discussionsabout civic problems with their parents), while important in the past, losesits significance in the present. Discussions with peers seem to replace therole of the parents. Religious affiliation is not meaningfully related tocivic engagement and volunteerism. Theoretical and practical implications inregard to social integration are discussed.

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