Thermal Science
Optimization of operation of energy supply systems with co-generation and absorption refrigeration
关键词: optimization;    co-generation;    absorption refrigeration;    genetic algorithms;    simulated annealing;    linear programming;   
DOI  :  10.2298/TSCI120503179S
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Co-generation systems, together with absorption refrigeration and thermalstorage, can result in substantial benefits from the economic, energy andenvironmental point of view. Optimization of operation of such systems isimportant as a component of the entire optimization process inpre-construction phases, but also for short-term energy production planningand system control. This paper proposes an approach for operationaloptimization of energy supply systems with small or medium scaleco-generation, additional boilers and heat pumps, absorption and compressionrefrigeration, thermal energy storage and interconnection to the electricutility grid. In this case, the objective is to minimize annual costs relatedto the plant operation. The optimization problem is defined as mixed integernonlinear and solved combining modern stochastic techniques: geneticalgorithms and simulated annealing with linear programming using the objectoriented “ESO-MS” software solution for simulation and optimization of energysupply systems, developed as a part of this research. This approach isapplied to optimize a hypothetical plant that might be used to supply a realresidential settlement in Niš, Serbia. Results are compared to the onesobtained after transforming the problem to mixed 0-1 linear and applying thebranch and bound method.

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