Facial Feature Model for a Portrait Video Stylization
Dongxue Liang1  Kyoungju Park1  Przemyslaw Krompiec1 
[1] Department of Software, Chung-Ang University, Seoul 06974, Korea;
关键词: facial feature model;    portrait video;    non-photorealistic rendering;    Mask Regions with Convolutional Neural Network features (R-CNN);   
DOI  :  10.3390/sym10100442
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

With the advent of the deep learning method, portrait video stylization has become more popular. In this paper, we present a robust method for automatically stylizing portrait videos that contain small human faces. By extending the Mask Regions with Convolutional Neural Network features (R-CNN) with a CNN branch which detects the contour landmarks of the face, we divided the input frame into three regions: the region of facial features, the region of the inner face surrounded by 36 face contour landmarks, and the region of the outer face. Besides keeping the facial features region as it is, we used two different stroke models to render the other two regions. During the non-photorealistic rendering (NPR) of the animation video, we combined the deformable strokes and optical flow estimation between adjacent frames to follow the underlying motion coherently. The experimental results demonstrated that our method could not only effectively reserve the small and distinct facial features, but also follow the underlying motion coherently.

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