Filozofija i Društvo
The current debate: (C+M) E and ultimate harm
关键词: cognitive enhancement;    moral enhancement;    integrated neuroenhancement;    ultimate harm;   
DOI  :  10.2298/FID1204087R
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Persson and Savulescu (2011b) is a largely successful defense of the positionpromoted in Persson and Savulescu (2008) against Fenton’s critique of thisposition in Fenton (2009). However, one of Fenton’s essential censures hasremained without response: if moral enhancement (ME) is to occur at thegenetic or biological level, as Persson and Savulescu suppose it can andought to, it will not be possible without significant scientific progress,including cognitive enhancement (CE) by bio-medical means. I will offer aresponse here to this critique Fenton raised-a response Persson and Savulecudid not give. It will be based on the concept of “integratedneuroenhancement”, abbreviated (C+M) E. [Projekat Ministarstva naukeRepublike Srbije, br. 41004: Rare Diseases: Molecular Pathophysiology,Diagnostic and Therapeutic Modalities, and Social, Ethical, and LegalAspects, and br. 43007: Studying Climate Change and its Influence on theEnvironment: Impacts, Adaptation and Mitigation]
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