Hydrometallurgical processing of gold-containing ore and its washed products
K. V. Fedotov1  A. E. Burdonov1  P. K. Fedotov1  A. E. Senchenko2 
[1] Department of Mineral Processing, Irkutsk National Research Technical University, Russia;TOMS Institute, Russia;
关键词: ore;    gold;    hydrometallurgy;    leaching;    concentrate;    flotation tailings;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

This article presents the results of hydrometallurgical studies of gold-bearing ore. The experiments were carried out on 2 parallel weighed portions with the analysis of products by assay (cake) and atomic absorption (solution) analyzes of gold. To determine the technological properties, tests were carried out on the direct and sorption cyanidation of ore samples using different material sizes, the concentration of the complexing agent in the solution and the preliminary treatment of the pulp with lime. The study of the sorption activity of the ore, as well as the dynamics of gold dissolution was carried out.

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