Bìznes Inform
Directions of Institutional Provision for Administration of the Economic Development of Regions
Shved Alina B.1 
[1]O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv
关键词: economic development;    region;    institutional provision;    the state policy;    regional system;   
DOI  :  10.32983/2222-4459-2019-10-83-88
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
The article defines directions and develops a system of institutional provision for the economic development of regions. It is determined that in order to ensure an efficient economic development of a region and to overcome existing imbalances are necessary: the State regulation; legitimacy; regional initiative and regional implementation; specific targeted nature of the measures being developed; systematic approach, taking into account all types and methods of the State provision for a particular region; responsibility and control; focus on the program-targeted methods of solving problems in the context of transformational public relations. It is specified that the task of the State policy at the regional level is a weighted governance related to both the direct administration of regional processes and the implementation of regulatory impact, with the determination of boundaries and selection of softer methods to intrude in a certain area of functioning of the territory. In this context, the first priority is to uphold the principle of subsidiarity, implement government regulation through the adoption and implementation of legislative acts, and stimulate regional development through the State financing provided that internal resources are used with as much as possible expediency. It is noted that the system of institutional provision for economic development of regions (EDR) provides for the comprehensive development of all regions of the country, optimization of the deployment of productive forces across the country, and the leveling of conditions of economic management and human living. The existence of an institutionally developed regional economic system will accelerate the growth of the country’s economy. It is concluded that presence of problems in the economic development of region requires an improvement of the State policy in the sphere of regional development, its respective legal, organizational, economic mechanisms on the basis of institutional provision that will enable a long-term strategy for regional economic development.
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