Iranian Journal of Microbiology
Prevalence of the bla CTX-M group and their transferability in resistant clinical isolates of Salmonella serogroups from several hospitals of Tehran
Bita Bakhshi1  Kobra Salimian-Rizi1  Shahin Najar Peerayeh1  Mohammad Rahbar2 
[1] Department of Bacteriology, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Tarbiat Modares University, Teheceivedran, IR Iran.;Department of Microbiology, Reference Health Laboratories Research Center, Deputy of Health, Ministry of Health and Medical Education, Tehran, Iran.;
关键词: Salmonella spp;    blaCTX-M-1 group;    antibiotic resistance;    conjugation;    broth matting;   
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来源: DOAJ
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