Journal of Educational Sciences
The Job satisfaction of physical Education Teachers in Amman Schools in some Variables
关键词: Job satisfaction;    physical education teachers;    Amman.;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The study aimed at knowing level of job satisfaction of P.E teachers in Amman schools in the variables (sex, qualifications, type of school, experience and study stage), of a sample of (620) teachers randomly selected from the Education Directorates in the Capital Governorate and Private Education Directorate. They responded to the job satisfaction measure composed of (81) items distributed on eight dimensions. The results indicated that the general level of job satisfaction was medium in all dimensions except (material motives and professional growth) where it was low. The highest level was in (colleagues) and the lowest in (professional growth) dimensions. The level of job satisfaction was not affected by independent variables, but the type of school was effective in variations of job satisfaction in all study dimensions. Accordingly, both researchers recommend to have a general educational strategy to improve level of job satisfaction of P.E teachers in all types of schools, and particularly teachers of government schools.

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