Knowledge Management & E-Learning: An International Journal
The Design of a Sustainable Competency-Based Human Resources Management : A Holistic Approach
关键词: Learning Technology;    Competency Management;    Assessment;    Quality Management;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Human capital is a key source of innovation and competitive improvement. Exploiting its potential and boosting its value to the organization involves a systematic process to determine the competencies that are fundamental to achieve enhanced job performance. However, why do organizations often fail to successfully cope with the main challenges of the knowledge and learning society, and to identify the consequences for learning technologies? This paper discusses a holistic model for human resources management strategy required to technologically support the organization toward a forceful and comprehensive solution. By applying a step-wise approach, the components that organizations should consider are identified, along with their interrelationships, and the increased need for a harmonizing world-wide standardization in this application field.
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