El Argonauta Español
Lorsque la presse est sa propre source : le Correo de las damas du baron de la Bruère (1804-1808)
关键词: Correo de las damas (1804-1808);    Bruère (baron de la);    journalistic practices;    Enlightenment;   
DOI  :  10.4000/argonauta.1974
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

This article examines how the press of the 18th and the early 19th century borrows materials from different sources, proving by this technique its specific relationship with the concepts of originality and actuality. The purpose of this investigation is to analyse at which frequency articles, anecdotes and poems are published in distinct newspapers, studying in particular an extreme case: the Correo de las damas, made at least in its two thirds from fragments of other Spanish publications. By the reconstitution of these elements’ itinerary, I try to establish which newspapers are involved in these loans and to bring to light this system’s methods and motivations. Among this group of publications, a special attention will be provided to the Diario de Valencia, the Diario de Sevilla and the Correo de Cádiz. Indeed, the baron de la Bruère, editor of the Correo de las damas but also of the three other titles, does not hesitate to repeat himself from one newspaper to another.

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