Journal of Technology Management & Innovation
Patents Go to The Market?University-Industry Technology Transfer from a Brazilian Perspective
Laís Santana Viana1  Danilo Moreira Jabur2  Gustavo Pereira da Cruz2  Paulina Ramirez3 
[1] Santa Cruz State University, BR;Santa Cruz State University,BR;University of Birmingham, UK;
关键词: technology transfer;    university-industry;    brazilian universities;    TTO;    Innovation.;   
DOI  :  10.4067/S0718-27242018000300024
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The purpose of this paper is to explore the TT between university-industry from a Brazilian perspective, with special reference on the university Intellectual Property – IP and TT legal instruments. The methodology was designed on a quantitative approach aiming to provide a better understanding of the problem. Secondary data collection was performed through documentary analysis that aims to identify and quantify the variables related to patents, licensing and TT agreements. Later, data are grouped, classified and treated, which allowed inference and interpretation. The results show that the TT between university-industry is in an embryonic stage in Brazil, even if occurred a considerable increase of IP required over the last few years. In this context, it is possible to affirm that the academic research outcomes are not being absorbed in an effective way by the industries, and, as a consequence, just an insignificant percentage of the patents go to the market.

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