Revista UNISCI
Development of Local Governance and Decentralization to empower Citizens in Pakistan: A Historical Analysis
Shahid Habib1  Zain Rafique1  Yeni Rosilawati2 
[1] National University of Modern Languages, Islabamad;Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta;
关键词: local government;    pakistan;    decentralization;    citizen participation;   
DOI  :  10.31439/UNISCI-92
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Contemporary development discourse confers a protuberant role to decentralization and local governance. To comply with this developmental demand, the Government of Pakistan introduced local governance and decentralization measures to use local governance system as a platform for localizing development and engaging local citizens. This article explores the historical level of the local governance system in Pakistan and the manifold problems that contributed to the absence of an adequate and capable local government system. Empowerment, accountability and transparency mechanisms in local governance systems are not functioning properly and hence the performance and results of the local governance system are very unsatisfactory.

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