Nasza Dermatologia Online
Cerebriform intradermal nevus – A rare clinical entity presenting as cutis verticis gyrata
Chandramohan Kudligi1  Vidya Kuntoji1  Safura Tazeen1  Pradeep Vittal Bhagwat1  Chovatiya Keyur Mohanbhai1 
[1]Department of Dermatology and Venereology, Karnataka Institute of Medical Sciences, Hubli, Karnataka, India
关键词: Cutis verticis gyrata;    Intradermal;    Nevus;    Scalp;   
DOI  :  10.7241/ourd.20172.53
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Cutis verticis gyrata is a rare skin condition characterized by convoluted folds and furrows formed from thickened skin resembling a cerebriform pattern. The condition is usually but not exclusively limited to the scalp. It may present in either primary form with or without any associations or in secondary forms with a wide variety of causes. Cerebriform intradermal nevus is one such rare cause of this unusual condition. We present a case of cerebriform intradermal nevus involving scalp and the upper half of left cheek which had both cerebriform appearances as well as the smooth surface.
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