Aspekti Publìčnogo Upravlìnnâ
Neo-corporatism as a mechanism for interaction between the government and interest groups
S. A. Kvitka1 
[1] Квітка Сергій Андрійович – кандидат філософських наук, доцентДніпропетровський регіональний інститут державного управління Національноїакадемії державного управління при Президентові УкраїниАдреса: 49044, м. Дніпропетровськ, вул. Гоголя, 29;
关键词: неокорпоративізм, групи інтересів, бізнес асоціації, громадянське суспільство, економічна свобода, глобалізація, плюралізм;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The article considers the neo-corporatism as a mechanism to ensure stable and productive relations between the state and society. A key role in these relationships play interest groups representing the main actors of this process - business and civil society. The activities of interest groups seeking ways to influence decision-making and reorientation authorities in accordance with the interests of its members is a factor of everyday political life in Ukraine. Therefore, subject neokrporatyvizmu increasingly attracted the attention of scientists, constantly growing number of theoretical and research devoted to the consideration of the experience in the West neo-corporatism and analyze the interaction of interest groups and the state in the transition to neo-democracy. The author concludes that the Ukrainian state should create a legal niche for legitimate functioning of business associations and associations that can legitimately influence on politics and government bodies to determine, on the one hand, the allowable corridor optimum economic freedom, and the other - the maximum build market self-regulation mechanisms in structure of state functions.

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