Sensors & Transducers
Experimental Videogrammetry and Accelerometry for the 2D Analysis of Human Motion
Daniel CÔRREA1  Alexandre BALBINOT1 
[1]Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) – Avenue Osvaldo Aranha, 103-203, Porto Alegre, 90035-190, Brazil
关键词: Webcams;    Virtual models;    ZigBee accelerometry;    Limb position;    Limb displacement;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Virtual human body models are used in many applications that allow human-machine interaction. The measurement of the position of a particular limb in the human body is extremely important in many applications. Human behavior understanding typically involves human body posture analysis or estimation, as well as the generated corresponding gestures. In order to provide a contribution in the referred area, this paper presents the development of an experimental gait analysis system during human walking by videogrammetry, accelerometry and virtual models. The principle of the experimental system is developed to capture the walking image using low-cost webcams, with the support of colored markers placed on the targeted joints. When the subject walks, the system captures and processes the events and determines the angles of the body segments. Parallel to this process, an accelerometer network distributed on the user’s body reads these movements, to compare the measurements. Additionally, the results of the videogrammetry system were compared to the DMAS16 Spica Tech system. For result assessment, a virtual body model is presented in real-time motion with data being stored in a database for future evaluations and analyses. The system proposed in this paper showed an average difference of 3.1°, has low cost, and is suitable for a wide range of applications.
【 授权许可】


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