Data Downlink System in the Vast IOT Node Condition Assisted by UAV, Large Intelligent Surface, and Power and Data Beacon
Na Zhao1  Chen Li1  Zhibo Zhang1  Tianrun Li1  Qing Chang1 
[1]School of Electronic and Information Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China
关键词: IOT;    UAV;    LIS;    PDB;    trajectory planning;    minimum energy consumption;   
DOI  :  10.3390/s20205748
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
The future development of communication systems will create a great demand for the internet of things (IOT), where the overall control of all IOT nodes will become an important problem. Considering the essential issues of miniaturization and energy conservation, in this study, a new data downlink system is designed in which all IOT nodes harvest energy first and then receive data. To avoid the unsolvable problem of pre-locating all positions of vast IOT nodes, a device called the power and data beacon (PDB) is proposed. This acts as a relay station for energy and data. In addition, we model future scenes in which a communication system is assisted by unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), large intelligent surfaces (LISs), and PDBs. In this paper, we propose and solve the problem of determining the optimal flight trajectory to reach the minimum energy consumption or minimum time consumption. Four future feasible scenes are analyzed and then the optimization problems are solved based on numerical algorithms. Simulation results show that there are significant performance improvements in energy/time with the deployment of LISs and reasonable UAV trajectory planning.
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