Chinese Journal of Lung Cancer
Progress of clinical research in
关键词: Non-small-cell lung cancer;    Chemotherapy;    Individuality;    ERCC1;    RRM1;    Tubulin;    BARD1;    Thymidylate synthetase;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
The both incidence and mortality of non-small-cell lung cancer(NSCLC) have been obviously increasing in recent years, the chemotherapy is still one of the best systemic treatment with response rates of 20%-40% by different regimens. We still need more logical and more accuracy to use the agents against NSCLC if we try to improve the efficacy. Biological markers for predicting the efficacy based on different molecular characteristic of NSCLC is important. With the development of molecular biology in past years, we have realized the different expression of ERCC1, RRM1, Beta-tubulin, BRCA1 and Thymidylate synthetase(TS) may be related to the efficacy of different chemotherapeutic agents and prognosis in NSCLC. So it is possible for predicting results of chemotherapeutic agents with those different markers, "tailor" chemotherapy. This article is a clinicalreview in the fields.
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