Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics
Design optimization and experimental performance test of dynamic flow balance valve
Shuxun Li1  Xiaogang Xu1  Zhong Li1  Wannian Zhang1  Cheng Li1  Chen Ye2 
[1]School of Petrochemical Engineering, Lanzhou University of Technology
[2]Zhejiang DunAn Valves Co., Ltd
关键词: computational fluid dynamics (cfd);    design optimization;    flow characteristics;    valves;    flow control accuracy;   
DOI  :  10.1080/19942060.2020.1756914
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
This paper considers a solution to the serious problem of hydraulic maladjustment in a dynamic flow balance valve for small diameter and low-pressure drop working conditions. The pressure drop compensation coefficient revising method was proposed to optimize the profile line of the valve core variable opening area. The flow rates of the valve before and after optimization under different displacements were simulated using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) methods. The flow control accuracy of the balance valve before and after the optimization is compared and analyzed to the test values. At the same time, the influence of three key parameters: spring stiffness, the shell structure of the valve core, and geometry imperfections change due to machining burrs on the surface of the valve core for flow control accuracy was discussed. The results show that flow control accuracy after optimization satisfies the requirements of 5% flow rate control. Spring stiffness, the shell structure of the valve core and machining burrs on the surface of the valve core are shown to have an influence on the flow rate of the balance valve. This is especially true for machining burrs which has a larger effect with an average error of 10.1.
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