Revista Arheologică
The new data on the human initial occupation of the East European Plain in the Early Palaeolithic
Anisiutkin Nicolai1 
[1] Институт истории материальной культуры Российской академии наук;
关键词: Eastern Europe;    Transnistria;    Eopleistocene;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The new data on the human initial occupation of East European Plain are suggested. On the basis of the investigations of the Russian-Moldavian geoarchaeological expedition (2010-2014) the dating of human initial occupation can be early. According to our interdisciplinary investigations the lower layers of the site Bairaki are belong to Oldovan industry (Mode 1) and are dated to Early Pleistocene (ca 1 million BC).

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